Header image for typing Premium blog announcement

Introducing…The NEW Typing.com Premium: Find Out What’s Changing!

Did you know that students score an average of 23 percent higher on tests when they are proficient typists? That’s why it’s crucial to find a typing program that delivers measurable results you can see in your students. Setting students up for success in the typing classroom means setting the teacher up for success first.

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Featured image for digital citizenship blog article

ISTE Aligned Digital Citizenship and New Grade-Level Updates

In a world where the majority of communication happens online, teachers are finding they are now responsible for guiding their students in becoming informed and respectful digital citizens. Starting as young as kindergarten, children are interacting with others in digital communities on a regular basis. As students spend more time online, the term “digital citizenship” is becoming more widely used. 

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The Microsoft Teams for Education Integration is Here!

Microsoft Teams for Education is one of the great ways to engage students with virtual face-to-face connections and activities or set up a remote lunch or recess to keep classrooms connected and having fun.

Welcome Microsoft Teams for Education

You asked. We delivered!

Typing.com now integrates with Microsoft Teams for Education! This incredible new feature makes sign-on, class management, and data syncing a breeze. 

For those of you with a Microsoft school or education account, you now have access to all Microsoft suite has to offer. You can now:

  • Sync any classes from Microsoft Education over to Typing.com
  • Transfer student data to make setting up simple

When signing in with your Microsoft account be sure you are logging in with your school or educational email— not your personal!

For new teachers to Typing.com, once signed up you will have the option to sync all your Microsoft Education classes, making set-up even more simple than before. For those already using our platform you can now choose to link your school account and add any additional classes you may have!

Are you using a different platform to keep your classes or schools organized? 

We have big things in the works for you in the coming months. From ISTELive this summer to some exciting news about Schoology…stay on the lookout for more!

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Set Daily Student Typing Goals Today!

Are you always looking for ways to motivate your class to master their learning? Setting small goals is an easy way to measure progress and celebrate wins along the way. We’re proud to announce that you can now set timed typing goals for your students!

Getting Started with Daily Goals

The new Daily Student Goals feature gives you the ability to set daily time goals for students—at the class or individual student level. This is a great way to keep students motivated and working toward typing mastery, and for you to know exactly what they’re doing

If you’re a teacher, you can adjust your students’ goals in a new tab under the Class Settings tab. You may choose goals that last from 5 to 60 minutes daily. Your students will see their updated daily goal timer among their typing stats each time they login on their dashboards. 

Typing.com celebrates achieving their goals and gives them the option to add 5 more minutes if they’d like.

For Students Not in a Class

Students who are not in a class will be able to update their daily goal when they land on the dashboard. Here learners have the option to choose between “No Goal” or goals of 5-minute increments up to 60 minutes. But don’t worry, skipping goals doesn’t mean one can’t be set later on! 

We’re building Typing.com to make it as easy and effective as possible to learn the critical skill of keyboarding. It’s flexible and fun! We think you’ll love setting student goals and enjoy the results.

Try it for yourself right now by logging in here.

Still have questions?

If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to check out our support articles by clicking here.

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New typing.com teacher portal

Introducing The New, Friendlier Typing.com Teacher Portal

In this digital age there are so many new platforms for teachers to learn. We know adjusting to another might feel overwhelming. Fortunately, the new teacher portal is a welcome change in a time when that’s not so easy to say anymore. Friendlier design and more intuitive to use, check out how the new teacher portal makes your life easier…

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Student premium now only $7.99

Student premium accounts now only $7.99!

We’re excited to announce a dramatic price reduction for student premium accounts on Typing.com! Starting today, the price for individual student upgrades has been reduced from $34.95 down to $7.99.

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Typing.com - New feature: assignments

New Feature: Assignments! (and much more)

Amidst the disruption and uncertainty related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Typing.com knows how important online education is. As always, we’re committed to providing the best free platform for students to learn foundational technology skills. To make that easier to do in a distance-learning environment, we’ve just released some new features that will make it easier to assign, track and grade work done on Typing.com. Teachers can now assign a scope of work that appears directly on their student’s Typing.com dashboards! Let’s dive into the details…

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new Typing.com Curriculum

6th Grade Vocabulary and MLA Citations added to Typing.com!

You asked, we delivered…

We are always looking to improve your experience with Typing.com, so we sent a survey to all our hard-working teachers, asking what additional curriculum you would like to see added to the program. There were a lot of great suggestions, but two subjects were asked for again and again – 6th Grade Vocabulary, and MLA Citations.

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Important Information about the Typing.com Curriculum Page

Attention Typing.com teachers! As you know, we have added an extensive digital literacy curriculum to Typing.com – including Coding, Career Skills, Computer Basics, Internet Safety, and more. And, now that we have all this great new content, we want to make sure that it’s easy for you to find and use!

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