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Stephanie Calcott

Do Keyboarding Skills Improve Student Test Scores?

Written by Beth Budinich – Typing.com Teacher Champion

Proficient keyboarding skills are an example of a background skill that may have quite an impact on test scores as students are doing more and more online testing. 

While it can be hard to quantify the effect it may have, there are studies that show there is an effect. Also, teachers that are administering tests speak to the benefits of their students being efficient at keyboarding. Students proficient at keyboarding also notice their ease of focusing on their writing instead of on the mechanics of keyboarding.

From the South African Journal of Education Vol. 26(2)281-293 2006, is a keyboarding study by Elsie Lubbe, Jan Monteith and Elsa Mentz called “The Relationship Between keyboarding skills and self-regulated learning”. 

This study defines keyboarding skills as: “The ability of learners to key in information into the memory of the computer with the minimum effort and energy use.” 


Teaching Typing

Creating a Classroom Where Students are Happy and Focused

Dear Ask a Teacher,

How can I create a positive and productive classroom environment for all my students? I want my students to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas without fear of ridicule or risk of censure.


Positively In Charge

Hello, Positively in charge!

Teachers play an important role in setting the classroom environment. In fact, the way students interact with each other and the work in front of them is largely dictated by this it. And creating a positive class environment is invaluable for building trust and getting results.

When it comes to setting a positive classroom culture, a good place to start is with core values.

Which values, mindsets, and people skills do you want to encourage? If you can settle on three to four core values to consistently model and reinforce in your classroom, you’re likely to end up with the environment you want.

Below are four of the most popular core values along with ideas on how to make them part of your class culture.


Are You Ready For Digital Citizenship Week?

October 14-19 is Digital Citizenship week!

Although we should help students understand how to be good digital citizens throughout the year, Digital Citizenship Week is great opportunity to reinforce the important behaviors and actions that make up good digital citizens. 

But, what is a good digital citizen?

There are many definitions of a good digital citizen. Perhaps the most comprehensive definition is as follows:

A good digital citizen is a person with the skills and knowledge to effectively use digital technologies to participate in society, communicate with others, and create and consume digital content.

Below are some things to consider when educating your students on the important responsibilities digital citizenship.


Meet the Typing.com Educator Champions!

 Introducing the Typing.com Educator Champions.

We strive to build Typing.com to be the most effective and useful tool possible for educators. In order to do this, we have implemented an ambassador program, consisting of Typing.com “power users” – people who use the product every day and can help us understand what teachers and administrators want and need in a typing and digital literacy program

These educator champions serve as trusted advisors, to us, and to other educators. What does that mean?:


Teaching Typing

The Most Successful Teachers Aren’t Afraid To Ask For Help.

In a recent study of elementary school teachers completed by Northwestern University, the most successful teachers were the ones who reached out to other teachers for advice and assistance. And their fellow teachers are happy to share their wisdom and experience!

“Ask a Teacher” is a new segment within the Typing.com blog, created to help teachers continue to share and collaborate. This monthly article will answer the questions our teacher-readers pose to us and each other.  (more…)

Practical Ideas You Can Use With Your Own Class!

Educators at every level appreciate a little support here and there, especially support that has the potential to make their job a little easier. 

Today, we’re happy to make available to you, two free e-books designed to help in the classroom in two different areas: 

  • The Digital Communication Skills Your Students Need to Succeed
  • How to Successfully Manage Students and Computers in the Classroom

Both books are straightforward and packed with practical recommendations, courtesy of educators’ experiences in their own classrooms. They’re available to download in PDF format.


Better Typing Skills Improve Career Prospects!

Our readers know that teachers are our heroes and it’s fair to think educators are our main focus. However, it is also very exciting when adult learners let us know the program has made a positive impact in their life. Today, we’re sharing just such a story.

Recently, an email arrived from a user named Dale who wanted to thank us for creating Typing.com. He explained that our site helped him become a faster typist which, consequently, led him to a better job!


Coupons, coupons, everywhere… and so much fun to redeem!

Welcome back to school, teachers! We hope you’ve shaken the last drops of seawater out of your ears, enjoyed all the enriching summer books you meant to read, and grabbed as much shut-eye as possible to carry you through the semester… 

At Typing.com, we know that teachers are the batteries that keep classrooms energized, with their enthusiasm for each new school year. But what keeps teacher’s batteries charged? 


Exciting Activities To Start the School Year With A Bang!

Hello and a resounding “welcome back” to all you wonderful returning teachers!

Going back to school after summer break is exciting AND stressful, both for students and teachers. In a recent survey asking teachers how they feel about the first day of school, they responded:

“Anxious about all of the unknowns the upcoming school year will bring, but excited to get to know the students and implement new ideas that the previous year birthed.”


Integrating Typing.com Into Your Lesson Plans is Now Easier!

Teachers, it’s time for more great news from Typing.com!

 We’re delighted to provide you with some exciting new tools that make integrating Typing.com into your day-to-day lessons even easier!
