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Grade 6 Plan de estudio

Geared towards sixth graders, our curriculum elevates typing skills, digital citizenship understanding, and language arts prowess, all packaged in alignment with essential learning standards.

Marshall ISD Junior High School 6th Grade Students have been using PLUS for the past three years, and I can confidently say it has significantly improved the students’ typing speed and accuracy. The program is easy to use and has various exercises catering to different skill levels, making it suitable for a differentiated instruction setting.
CTE Coordinator
Garreth D.

Curriculum Overview

The 6th grade curriculum prioritizes refining typing speed and accuracy, through well-structured typing lessons. A deeper exploration of digital citizenship helps students understand the implications of online behavior and digital security. This all comes together to meet key learning standards.

Currículo Motivador

Currículo Motivador

Los estudiantes aprenden valiosos fundamentos de tecnología, diseñados por expertos para estudiantes de todos los niveles.

Aprendizaje Basado En Juegos

Aprendizaje Basado En Juegos

Involucre a los estudiantes con divertidos juegos de tecleo, lecciones interactivas y logros.

Hazlo Tuyo

Hazlo Tuyo

Mejore el aprendizaje creando sus propias lecciones para el refuerzo de currículos

Standardized Test Prep Solution

Standardized Test Prep Solution

Prepare your students for standardized testing with free response typing lessons.

Correlación de estándares

See how meets your state or federal standards for typing & technology

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Is's 6th grade curriculum suitable for students with prior typing experience?
What typing skills will my students learn in the 6th grade curriculum?
How long will it take my students to complete the 6th grade curriculum?
Is the 6th grade curriculum aligned with common core, ISTE, and/or individual state standards?
Are there any additional resources available to support my student's typing practice?
Will my students be able to type efficiently after completing the 6th grade curriculum?


With gamified learning and adaptive reinforcement lessons, students are excited about learning to type.
Try our Grade 6 Curriculum


Prepare your students with effective keyboarding lessons that are easy to set up and engaging to use.
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Deliver more simplicity and organization to your class and district. Experience PLUS!
Learn about PLUS